Free Election-Grade Polling for All American voters


Helping every American voter be seen for who they are and heard for what they believe.

AmericaThinks is a new model of polling—one that both surveys as many people as possible and verifies all participants as authentic humans. Imagine a Twitter-like poll where all the participants are American voters, the answers cannot be traced back to specific users, and all the results are live and publicly available.

This is the future of polling—one where the best of technology is leveraged for the good of the average voter to inform them about their communities and the nation we all call home.

Authentic Participants

Our goal is to consistently survey American voters to obtain the most inclusive, authentic, and complete picture of America. A reliable poll must be based on accurate and reliable data. This is why all our participants are authenticated as real people and currently registered voters.

Anonymous & Secure

Each answer is both truly anonymous and originates from an authentic registered voter. AmericaThinks extends the idea of cryptographically anonymous responses into public polling arena. This significantly impacts the likelihood of honest and reliable answers in our surveys.

Free to All

AmericaThinks gives every voter a voice - one voice - so that all Americans, whether in the minority or majority, are heard. There is no fee to register an account, participate in a survey, or view the results. We believe that there should be no barriers to understanding the character of the American people.

Transparent Results & Protocols

It is essential that the cryptographic protocols used for AmericaThinks are publicly available to develop strong and trustworthy polling results. Publicly available cryptographic protocols will allow assurance of the accuracy of published polling results.

Election-Grade Polling.

AmericaThinks bridges a gap by offering every American voter an easily accessible way to share their opinion while keeping them cryptographically anonymous.

Polling for the 21st Century Voter

As 21st century Americans, we carry our smartphones everywhere, and for most of us, our lives would not function without them. AmericaThinks offers secure, anonymous polls for authenticated participants. Anytime and anywhere, American voters can voice their opinions on culture and governance.

Our Core Values


A reliable poll must be based on accurate and reliable data. This is why all our participants are authenticated as real people and a currently registered voter. Our polls and surveys will not be compromised by unverified users, bad actors, or programmable bots. Our goal is to consistently survey American voters to obtain the most inclusive, authentic, and complete picture of America


We want AmericaThinks to be completely transparent and understandable. Unlike any other polling organization, we audit polling data, publish the audited results, and welcome third-party audits.


We recognize and believe firmly that a key to being trustworthy is a dedication to fairness and impartiality. AmericaThinks is non-partisan and will continue to be so. Reporting live results and sourcing questions from publicly available statements are just a couple of ways we prove our commitment to transparency and non-partisanship. There is no filter or algorithm that will block or promote certain answers, results, or questions.


It is only natural to be reserved and careful about sharing your opinions. AmericaThinks is purpose-built to protect your identity by mathematically hiding the connection between you and your answer. Before an answer leaves your phone, your identity is removed from that answer. No one, not even AmericaThinks, can know that an answer belongs to you. You can feel safe sharing your honest opinions because your answers are truly anonymous.

Freely Available

AmericaThinks is freely available to American voters in every congressional district from sea to shining sea. We are continually working to make it as easy as possible to participate wherever you are. Our questions are simple and to the point. Survey results are graphed to make results easy to understand and visualize.


AmericaThinks is 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We have no shareholders or hidden interests to promote. We do not accept donations or funds from any party that would expect or appear to influence AmericaThinks as a political tool. AmericaThinks is a genuine effort to help and contribute to present and future generations.

No opinion is too small to be heard.

So, what’s yours?